Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Left-Wing Initiatives That Threaten The Homeland

Left-Wing Democrats 'Resent The Idea of America Being Great' Limbaugh to Hannity on Fox News
Throw out the tax code, re-invigorate the EPA, tax garbage by the pound
Wake the drugged children, challenge the old folks, save instead of spend
Lose some weight, read a few books, stop fiddling with that pointless lawn

Outlaw the too big to fail, legalize the herb, pass taxes on all forms of noise
Dismantle the cubicles, recycle all the SUVs, tax every religious franchise
Don’t sell the president, fire all the representatives, un-constipate the senate

Learn about history, admit our mistakes, grow stronger quietly here at home
Re-invent the corporation, stone the faceless CEOs, forget funeral homes
Clean the rivers, re-invigorate the forests, take back our farmlands

Stop torturing our meat, quit idolizing greed, read, write and count proudly
Blow off Christmas spending, don’t give her diamonds, fuck Valentine’s Day
De-commission real estate, don’t get a new car every year, cook at home

Pay them not to have kids, lynch political advisors, end the 2 party system
Isolate the Middle East, join the world community, govern the US in English
Ignore cowboy evangelicals, quit wasting water, burn little coal but very cleanly

Don’t jerk off in power boats, blow up those jet skis, cripple all the ATVs
Quiet the airplanes, bring back the salmon, don’t let it get so goddamn hot
Cut 90% from the military, quit get-rich-quick scheming, end credit card debt

Ignore Hollywood lives, abolish career politicians, eradicate the lobbyists
Fix the roads, tie their tubes, bring back Yankee ingenuity and engineering
Reduce our population, close the feedlots, enough with the pesticides, already

Preserve the wetlands, out the damn CIA, stop fattening up like show hogs
End reliance on China, don’t build 300 hp hybrids, ban pus-like white bread
Control the tourist industry, curb resort developers, don’t sell off our forests

Make the miners clean up, get ranchers off welfare, end tobacco supports
Build wildlife corridors, create Great Plains National Park, integrate the natives
Get the blacks out of prison, end the war on drugs, stop this firearms farce

Sustain and maintain, build it to last and be fixed, halt the obesity epidemic
Stop multinationals stripmining the oceans, give a little time, slash executive pay
Provide health insurance, get energy independent, either raise kids or work

End government pensions, support our troops, shun current so-called leaders
Put solar and wind on every roof, quit making bogeymen, reduce college tuition
Tax real-estate speculation, wipe out Californication, to hell with Viagra

Promote getting rich slowly, bring back the wolf, save the amphibians
Rethink the megalopolis, adjust to the ecosystem, don’t go off killing for god
Luxury tax botox and liposuction, legalize and regulate prostitution, license all parents

Close corporate nursing homes, institutionalize suicide, don’t get too much sun
Sanctify the slaughterhouses, enjoy lots of exercise, reduce commutes by 25%
Go to jail for hiring illegales, use open source voting machines, end acid rain

Just ignore flag desecration, treat all gods equally, laugh or get on therapy
Don’t legislate morality, don’t think only in sound bites, be quiet when you can
Heavily tax littered items, rethink soft drinks, take time out from the blur

Eat whole grains and nuts, don’t torture dairy cows, end social promotions
Can the music executives, let kids ride their bikes, quit playing world sheriff
Don’t make noise for fun, know our enemies well, demand a sustainable lifestyle

Prevent before curing, plan instead of reacting, think before speaking
Don’t live as corporate sheep, work with your hands, look deep within
Ignore the silly fireworks, maintain the ecosystem, give up a little convenience

Question all wars, don’t work just for vacation, live such that our elders are wise
Turn off the night lights, question the scientists, expose the theologians
Don’t watch corporate news, flog your own blog, get up before sunrise

Listen to the birds, ban shrink wrap, don’t elect any more goddamn lawyers
Let the desert reclaim Las Vegas, bind with the Europeans, always eat together
Recognize real leaders, enjoy the rain, don’t make every place handicap accessible

Quit worshiping money, avoid prescriptions and surgery, cultivate common sense
Privatize abortion, get over getting older, always be learning something new
Maintain your skills, know several languages, quit being so crudely and loudly gay

Encourage organics, organize electronically, quit being afraid to amend the constitution
Be proud of clean air, jail animal abusers, sell the Harley before it’s too late
Cut the fatty foods, don’t speak with one voice, make sense for yourself

Don’t grow fat and weak, learn other religions, travel widely and listen
Undermine globalization, surround the rivers with cleansing trees, listen to the thunder
Understand ethnic conflict, take care of your teeth, don’t export weapons

Curb the Pentagon, make flood zones into parks, cut off their dumb neckties
Join efficiency with comfort, don’t subsidize corn syrup, clean up our lakes
Don’t tax break Big Timber, silence the diesels, untangle the conglomerates

Reject cultural imperialism, know how to do the math, wake up the Texans
Quite jiggering voting districts, downsize big sports, play your own music
Realize that golf and golf courses suck, ban tanning salons, love more than you hate

Re-invent nursing homes, watch as people die, obtain your own basic medical skills
Know when to shut up, carefully consider your opinions, enjoy the quiet rain
Question your everlasting soul, know your priorities, don’t eat in your car

Get off of the cellphone, turn down your music, buy on the internet at home
Screw expensive weddings, walk, run, paddle, bicycle, sail, board and ski
Reduce your footprint, know yourself, organize your thoughts, keep still often

Follow the money, don’t buy the oft-repeated lie, consume within reason
Count those given up looking as unemployed, add a 50% gas tax, learn to sleep
Invest Social Security taxes, get out of the Middle East, penalize outsourcing

Stop subsidizing terrorists, don’t try to buy your kid’s friendship, just listen a little
End the dental scam, throw away the cigarettes, don’t idle in those stupid trucks
File the bible under fiction, chainsaw the billboards, talk with the Cetaceans

Globalize the power grid, don’t sell land mines, end chemical warfare
Encourage organics, subsidize solar research, decrease the human population
Look at the war dead, appreciate clean water, just admit your stupid mistakes

Relearn manufacturing, let fossilized automakers die, simply ignore the NFL
Just shut the fuck up, step away from the vehicle, welcome death in its time
Downsize your houses, ban omnibus bills, don’t ever take a single payday loan

Renew your faith, empty the mega-churches, don’t ever demand that ‘God Bless America’

The Tao Of Our Demise

 “When the palace is magnificent, the fields are filled with weeds, and the granaries are empty. ” ― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
when the winning candidate always spends the most, buying up the votes
people see the arranged marriage of free enterprise to the democratic process
thusly, in relation to their own humble way of living,
do they learn to accept the ultimate power of the almighty dollar

when the dealmakers gain too much influence
the mass of people grow uneasy
they sense the dissipation of their masters
as horses smell the impending storm upon the wind

when the citizens have no places that they have always known,
because all is in the chaos of construction and migration
they grow skittish and unruly
like wild herding animals near a raging fire

when the people litter carelessly, having no connection to the land
their feeling for the Tao is certainly fouled as well
but during those briefest moments before the crash
any significance is lost, in the noise and confusion

when one alone stoops to pick up anothers’ litter
it is a hard thing to do
for plastic trash far outlasts our bones
as well as any possible thought behind our actions

when the people do not honor the food that they eat
animals live like prisoners and die robbed of their grace
and the land where they are fattened is polluted by their runoff
yet some will still be straining to hear sounds of missing songbirds

when the frogs are disappearing and growing extra legs
parents study their children with extra care:
arms unable to protect,
brains unwilling to accept

when a country takes its food shrink-wrapped tight in plastic,
which is thoughtlessly and immediately discarded
and its commercials require more thinking than its paid infotainment
its strength is thus diminished and its future is in doubt
yet this is not painful to those who heave mindlessly within the throng

when the children learn to unwrap all gifts with an amazing speed,
then consume, discard and walk away without a thought
it should not be long before they absorb the truth that
they, too, are surely, to be shortly cast aside

when the people worship only what is new
their offspring try to invent an entire culture on their own
but quickly they grow old and must blame it all upon themselves

when the country merely follows the latest in manufactured fads
its cities cannot last
and its old have no roads to travel
and the young have no one that they can turn to

when it is common knowledge that the old are of no use
the young and beautiful, nonetheless, cannot see
their own lives must also very quickly end in the same purposeless emptiness

when the people are always far too busy
with trivial tasks that they must soon forget
and in-depth news is unimportant and history is unlearned
their rush is towards a future filled with old mistakes

when people reach the end of life in such a place as this
there is a sense that the road where they have traveled
was not a winding path leading to a peaceful destination
but an endless superhighway where they've broken down for good

when tourism has become a simple extractive industry
natural beauty becomes a resource to be efficiently exploited
condos and strip malls and cheap plastic icons sprout up very quickly
until the magic is depleted and the workers move away

when the country imports poor and ignorant, young human beings
to do work considered to be too menial for real citizens
the dignity of labor is never learned by its children
and empty media sales values are all that they retain

when the ones that we listen to
we consider to be at least halfway insane
we have forced our lives into making sense
by believing far more than we try to understand

when people ask what a tiger
has ever done for them
it is easy to internalize that
we require no major course corrections

when endless sprawl and traffic jams
are considered simply as the norm
it makes real sense that one more bit of litter
does not matter anywhere, anymore

when jobs and consumption, spoiled children and entertainment
guide all of our blurry actions
then appear the gaping inconsistencies found in our thinking
that guide this accelerating rush towards deserved self-extinction

when an education is just for loosers
and getting rich by any means is good
we have no reason to be surprised
by corporate fraud and collusion
or roving gangs of illiterate and amoral youth

when sex is used to sell everything from
cat food to car parts
newspapers still report that our brave police righteously arrest
women who must sell themselves to feed their fatherless children

when alcohol destroys the lives
of millions every year
beer distributors grow rich and become civic leaders
while pot smokers passively go to jail and rot

when black men go to prison for years
for stealing a car or selling a hit of meth
mealy-mouthed, pale white corporate parasites
get away Scot-free for ruining countless lives and stealing millions

when we say we still believe that
all men are created equal
the people watch as we rush in military aid
to those who live where coveted resources still pertain

when highly skilled positions are all moved away from our shores
and Wal*Mart wires our hard-earned money to foreign bank accounts:
where will the skilled illegales,
who do the real work that we once understood,
find jobs in the bright future of this, our glorious land?

when the scientists and engineers,
craftsmen and computer coders
are all outsourced and only the ignorant and lazy majority remains
loyal subjects pause to ask: who will hook up the lights for me?

when the oil is all sucked down
and the Arabs ride camels back to their fly-ridden sheikdoms
and all the motorized wheels stop their turning
our sacred mommies will puzzle over getting the kids to the mall

when actors and the grandsons of politicians get elected
and money buys the office
some ask: why not just count the contributions raised
instead of bothering to vote?

when city governments compete for destination shopping centers
using new sales taxes to finance their ever-more bloated budgets
and more houses mean more property taxes for their counties to spend
citizens observe as these trusted public servants
build our legacy for the future under the holy rubric of local control

when the people view all foreigners as simple, stupid and irrelevant
and the measure of a nation is taken through a gunsight
there is no contradiction that your clothing and electronics come from china
your cars from japan and your computers are controlled from india

when our leaders pray for guidance in making important state decisions
and terrorist enemies invoke their own gods in support of holy jihad
all those of franchised faith heed the calls to prayer in peace,
secure in the knowledge that their own one true god will not ever forsake them

when the people scoff as fuzzy-thinking tree-huggers try to run amok
and see that their plans are too expensive and will cost too many jobs,
yet provide little value in their own search for exciting entertainment,
then has their society been divorced from the web of life that sustained it

when the children realize that they were raised up to be as ignorant as vegetables
and that all the best resources have been consumed,
while fouling and contaminating the majority of nature to nurture them,
they can sigh while carrying firewood and water barefoot, but still faithful

when political correctness yields gains for passive-aggressive lampreys
note clearly that the weak and submissive have not been advanced
yet the strong, the independent and the productive see once again
the fact that their labors only benefit those truly glib and venal suck-ups

when the evangelicals rule the scientists
while their children are paused in violent video games to take their meds
the corporations set the agenda based upon their short term needs

as all the merry little dancers skip about in this rapidly advancing twilight

Thanks For Watching

Sure, you can track my online porno patterns, if it helps support our brave boys overseas
Go ahead and analyze patterns in the cheap Chinese imports that I buy down to the Wal*Mart
Maybe you should prepare a scatter diagram of where their dogs are crapping on my lawn

You can map the links to the terror cell that my mom and I belong to
You can decrypt the messages in those endless health anecdotes that we are exchanging
Are you analyzing the contents of our pantry for evidence of foreign influence?

You can eavesdrop on all those mindless text messages that the gamers send
Maybe you enjoy sifting reams of email spam, just as much as I do
I am an innocent good citizen with nothing to hide so you can watch me on the pot

You should check out those old people next door struggling to have sex
How about that ugly teenager squeezing pimple pus right onto the mirror?
Probably should keep an eye on that drunk moron asleep on the sidewalk

Want to watch me toss my soiled underwear into the dirty clothes?
You are writing down all the stupid reality shows that she watches religiously, I take it
Are you correlating my hair loss with my weight gain and increasing blood pressure?

put a webcam in the apartment of them 8 Mexicans who work so hard all the time
I could send in some suspicious videos I shot with my cell phone down at the mall
I know that you never get excited over any of the nudity you might accidentally uncover

Hopefully you’re keeping every instant message ever sent, until the end of time
Are you getting everything the voices tell me that I absolutely need to do?
We admire your dumpster diving to procure non-electronic evidence

You can read my aunt’s blog about how she got sick on her dream Caribbean cruise
Come on over and I’ll tell you all about my adventures with our little grandsons
Are you putting samplers in the urinals that also read our implanted chips?

Go ahead and track my fast food trash if it will help in stopping terrorism
I am so very flattered that, at least, you would take this time to parse my work
You must audit how much gas my neighbor wastes enriching Islamic radicals

I’ve seen people peeing in public restrooms and not even washing their hands
With this work we can finally track the vast number of alien abductions
Are you breaking the code used by environmental groups on their commie calendars?

No one has paid so much attention to me since I was a screaming, snot-nosed kid
Thanks for watching, you can call me anytime, if you have a question
I could log on and submit reports or even send in some fresh stool samples

Are you getting my kids endless whining for fast food and new electronic gizzies?
Do you believe how often my wife and I have the same old tired arguments?
Set me up with a wire and I will help unmask fat convenience store clerks for you

You really need a way to monitor these conversations with our personal saviors
We’ve got to get a handle on these environmental terrorist sympathizers
I’ll scan in my daughter’s diary and send it over in electronic format

Did you get the color video of my latest colonoscopy?
You are correlating the anal swabs from the victims of sexual abuse, I know
I’m not sure your keyword searches will recognize all this unpatriotic satire

Citizens have no right to privacy but national security requires the highest in secrecy
I find it arousing that you take the time to focus in on my personal life
Can I get a copy of the suspicious actions of my neighbor’s young wife in bed?

Don’t bother with a court order to sit outside my apartment in your van
Come right on in and have a cup of coffee and I’ll tell you all about my arthritis
There’s a guy down the street with an unpatriotic liberal bumper sticker on his car

It is real thrilling to be part of the fighting in our holy war on terrorism
Want to see the pictures of those foreigners I saw up in Yellowstone park?
We better keep a close eye on abortionists and contraception providers, too

We should bring back prayer in school and then make sure everyone does it right
It’s all so very exciting it gives me a wondrous vicarious thrill
The wife and I will keep an eye out for suspicious packages on our street

I’m stepping up for implanted chips, national IDs and omnipresent video cams
I want to be your ever-watchful eyes and always eavesdropping ears

Freedom requires eternal vigilance so I thank you for your constant surveillance

The Tao Of Government Overreach

The best leaders are those their people hardly know exist. - Tao Te Ching
when the government agenda is set by shortsighted corporations
which have bought and paid for all of the elections
people see for whom rule by and for the people really works out to be

when the government overturns as failed and outdated
the policies of its immediate predecessors
people see just how quickly their best interests may be re-interpreted

when government employees reap benefits unavailable to the masses
yet are no longer fit to work at normal jobs
people sense the presence of strangers from alien institutions

when overpaid consultants and executives buzz like busy bees
between lobbyists and legislators
people observe the best and the brightest in all their wondrous glory

when governments compete for tax dollars from any new development
to finance their ever more bloated budgetary needs
citizens know where to look for guidance in creating a sustainable society

when homeland security is conducted behind utmost secrecy
within the worlds largest bureaucracy
people understand that the truly patriotic have nothing left but to fear

when the government makes a war against all the world's better judgment
the people must be helped to discern
morally obligatory pre-emptive defense from openly evil and naked aggression

when the government seeks to rip its last precious oil reserves
from its remotest remaining wilderness
people witness firsthand how conservatives practice conservation

when the government excludes SUVs, pick-up trucks and vans
from mileage and pollution standards
voters plainly see the finest governance that corporate money can buy

when 900000 pages of deliberately obfuscated tax code gibberish
funds a vast so-called industry of overpaid pig latin interpreters
people again see the wisdom of electing lawyers as their leaders

when conservative government leaders rail ignorantly against junk science
and criticize fuzzy math
the people feel free to belittle anything more complex than the average action movie

when the government tries to prod a sluggish consumer economy
by offering yet another prod of unfunded kickstart
people bend and submit once more to the financial electrodes

when the government's focus is always upon the latest poll
in advance of the next upcoming election
people do not miss the foresightful forefathers that they never learned of at all

when the government official tells God he must bless the country after every speech
and asks us all to add our prayers
good people sleep all the better knowing that He is on their side

when the government declares that every other nation
is simply either with us or against us
people know that even heathen foreigners will listen to simple reason

when the government encourages conglomerates to buy up all the media
and the vapid so-called news is the same on every channel
people scoff at the notion of an ever-vigilant press which guards their civil rights

when the government taxes cigarettes almost enough to make the smokers quit
then subsidizes tobacco farmers and pays Medicaid for lung diseases
people know that somewhere all these actions must make sense together

when governments sell more in weapons than they provide for development
and insurgents can get guns more easily than mothers can find flour
people are glad to note that their leaders pray humbly for lasting peace, every night

when one government spends more on its military than all the rest together
people can understand that increasing ignorance and poverty
is a slightly sad but necessary effect, of protecting our own Traditional Family Values

when the government speaks openly of might making right
while destroying societies to spread freedom in wars of liberation
be sure that the world worships in joyful wonder, the image of its only super power

when the government subsidizes its chosen religious groups
which discriminate based upon belief
those alienated mull upon the motto "one nation under God"

when the government takes away the knitting needles
from frightened grandmothers flying off to family holidays
wise men know our travel is made safer from ruthless terrorist killers

when the government always makes very little sense at all
the people find a consistency that they can come to rely upon
and with which the meaninglessness of their own lives dovetails very well

Monday, May 9, 2011

Safety Bleating Within The Herd Of Consumers

how they struggled like salmon to negotiate the currents of trendy styles
they quoted richly and freely from various movies and sitcoms

how they practiced their lines like Shakespearean actors
reciting advertisements and slang phrases endlessly to each other

how they fled like the wildebeest when their leaders were startled
stampeding once and again from gizmo to gadget

how their consumer assemblages changed like rainbowed chameleons
as they threw down and picked up in seemingly-chaotic but instinctive patterns

how they continually sought the hyperbolized New and Exciting
always in the context of their blindered and literalist, neo-con xenophobia

how they raised their little muzzles from their cubicle burrows all alike
sifting the complex breezes of hyper-consumerism

how they moved on without concern leaving their droppings behind
rendering unfit what they no longer wanted

how they bleated like piglets for sugar, salt and fat
trying to assuage the emptiness that they mistook for hunger

how they piddled and side-barred until they lay in their own wastes
passing away while myopically planning only to rejoin the consumer race

how they huddled together as media shadows danced on their walls
and clever adverts crushingly drowned the quiet voice of the earth

how they saddled themselves with surreal financial burdens
chasing lame illusions which were bored endlessly, deep into their skulls

how they lied to themselves and boasted emptily to each other
swimming in a twisting bait ball, trying not to look either forward or back

how they shopped too close together for cheap imported goods
bleating quite foolishly as the good jobs gradually disappeared

how they wasted with gusto both water and oil
fouling the air with their driving and poisoning the land to grow food

how they groveled like fawning dogs for government subsidies
meanwhile ranting on about personal responsibility and fiscal conservancy

how they twitched and cried out in their uneasy sleep
not quite remembering dreams of things they would never dare face

how they struggled to define themselves within the vast herd
and savagely attacking en masse, those daring to differ

how they continued denying their place in some squishy balance of nature
blithely assured by media leaders that more research was needed

how they quickly grew impatient and bored when the details were gone into
yet avidly dismissed out of hand scrupulous research as junk science and fuzzy math

how they squirmed with discomfort when they glimpsed contradictions to their faith
diving back with alacrity into the warm and sustaining illusions of their media hosts

how they portrayed each other as intelligent creatures
echoing pre-digested soundbites back and forth until, finally, each one fell silent

how they boasted of their supreme natural moral authority
never bothering with the lessons their forefathers had left them

how they condescendingly viewed those fools in the rest of the world
as they were overtaken in education and human understanding

how they tripped over each other in individual quests for the same illusion
searching for spiritual fulfillment within the noise and dust of the swarm

how they all clucked in avian tones at each new atrocity
always convinced that, at last, the bottom must have been reached

how they reacted without thought, all in the same direction
like a large school of small fish when a cloud throws a shadow

how they often festered inside, nursing many small grudges
then lashing violently out, but still always wanting to be in

how they fell asleep at the wheel on a road straight and wide
woke up in horror just upon striking the tree

how they carefully deluded each other as to the nature of their fate
willfully ignoring the great empty void to which they all must return

how they conscientiously wasted each waking hour and avoided all introspection
then, far too late with feeble excuses, tried to invent some kind of accounting

Second Class God

He is said to be a perpetual also-ran in Their contests of wisdom and power
But, He notes, they count on Him to help gin up Their own wider support
Though He, too, has wondrous plans for us, they may be overruled in the end
Our faith, as such, is a wager with a higher payout but greater potential loss

Our God is demonstrably not the greatest in the field of monotheistic saviors
His works even praise the truth and righteousness of His holy competition
He bids us keep an open mind and to find something better should it appear
This second class God admits of no perfection, often stumbling on His way

We overlook that His omniscience is not quite what the majority demand
It is painful to hear how glowingly others describe their own true faiths
His mercy is not quite infinite and often He may not be everywhere, all at once
Nonetheless, He permits us to also take a measure of pride from our beliefs

Sometimes it happens that truer religions cast down our sacred temples
Our faith cannot always sustain us but He will not refund us our pledged eternal souls
His demands are not as stringent but His rewards are not federally insured
He might have been around forever but doesn’t talk of the end of the world

He is, by necessity, not extremely strident on this false idol business
The temples that He demands might not satisfy a discriminating believer
His pomp and ceremony, though coordinated, are perhaps not rich enough
His blind, halt and sick have a less than average miraculous recovery rate

Mediocre fund-raising results are often cited as evidence of His weakness
His promises and threats are not quite colorful enough for many of real faith
A majority do not find his Creation Myth provides a truly satisfying spin
His disinterest in government ties cuts off a rich source of support

Some say He exists only as a teaching instrument for the greater gods
His share on the great pie chart of souls is only steady, possibly even decreasing
His Word may need to be updated for today’s new generation of seekers
His handlers say his universal love and understanding may lead to ambiguity

It is whispered that He does not rage violently enough against His heathen enemies
Our faith does especially poorly in those lands of great wealth and power
His tolerance may be a turn-off to those with the need for black and white solutions
He has been criticized for not demanding or answering prayer often enough

A less-than-clear permit to dominion of the earth has hurt His numbers
Word on the street has it that His congregations may be ripe for a takeover
Perception that He might allow animals in heaven has raised many eyebrows
He may not be the choice of those who demand only the finest in a Savior

Occupational Parasites

Lawyers write our twisted laws behind closed doors where no real folks can see
          and they bill us hourly for interpreting what common sense should be
Truth be known, they despise themselves as much as they are hated
as members of a profession based solely upon obfuscation,
A lifetime of creating complicated documents to mask simple truths,
years of crafting inflated bills for services which are mostly quite trivial

Accountants add up dollars and cents, it is certainly not mathematics
          they muddy the results, add nothing to production
help management hide the truth and scheme to cut jobs and benefits
Still they earn a comfortable living and may even make it to the top
One rosy, cooked-up statement for the fools who own the stock
          one form for the government, so no taxes shall be paid
one secret internal report, just for the crooks who steal from the top

Real estate agents, more than any others, cling about our necks
          over a million in our great  land - they are a grasping, lying scum
They wind up costing everyone as they drive by in their new cars
          full of the “good taste” that is paid for with money falsely earned
They are often better than the rest of us, though usually under-educated
Just like they always say, there will never be a better time to buy or sell than now

Bankers sing the praises of their role in our small towns everywhere
while being anonymous, tiny parts of crushing multinationals
They will gladly lend at high interest rates when there is no risk at all
but the interest that they pay is no more than an eighth of what they charge
And their profits, bonuses and their service charges grow larger every year
          in their enduring parasitical relationship with their beloved host communities

Politicians stand behind the flag while kissing little babies
meanwhile crafting legislation based on their corporate sponsors needs
Spending outrageous sums on earmarked pork while mouthing a false conservancy
Cutting taxes while increasing spending for donors or to increase their polling numbers
Imperatively intoning God bless America! at the end of every speech written just for them
          making multi-generational careers far-removed from reality

Stock brokers pump us up over deals they know to be true dogs
          they churn us up and turn us over to scoop up more commissions
Licensed brokers full or self-respect, while prostitutes still go to jail
          they extend their legal flimflam upon us in most creative ways
And a misled public is convinced that the stock market is the only way
          to finance their golden years quickly and without any pain

Car salesmen know how to treat those drugged by constant advertising
          their techniques are well polished and you do not stand a chance
Just a moment here while I go and see what my manager has to say
          And how high was it that you mentioned your monthly pament could be?
They cynically laugh out loud at you, counting up their commission,
as you drive away, drugged deeper into debt

Certified financial planners help insure your future with expensive advice
          and every year your long-term strategy must follow the latest new fad
Their real jobs are not to earn you money, but rather to take it from your pocket
          besides, they bear no responsibility for your gains or your losses
They quote sage advice given by those in control of the markets,
Advice that they read in magazines while on vacations with your money
thus ensuring a continued revenue stream from your family to their wallets

Corporate executives attain their posts via smarmy shoulder-climbing
          siphoning millions for themselves, they are but criminal bureaucrats
Leadership does not grow from a life spent back stabbing and sucking up
          hiding behind lawyers and retreating to locked compounds
In unearned tribute to their value, their salaries increase no matter business outcomes
          anonymous strategic visionaries in expensive bland suits who have No Comment
Sacrificing everything for their careers of outsourcing and benefit slashing
          forced out at last to pursue other opportunities
or purportedly to spend more time with their families
          they simply inflate their guaranteed, unearned golden parachutes
and then go on to another firm to run it just as poorly, but for more rewards
Advertisers make their money pounding nonsense into your head
          it is the one and only way that they have ever known,
That is, constant repetition, over and over and over, once again
          the product matters little but best you mind the jingle
Why else would anyone buy a Chevy or swill gallons of Coca-cola,
          what rational human being would eat out at a McDonald’s
Who would really suck down a double cheese meat lovers stuffed crust pizza
          Knowing it was prototyped in corporate labs under marketing control, then
assembled and frozen in dingy factories by illegales and shipped in smelly diesel trucks

Mutual fund executives know how to make a buck,
though somehow even with their reputed, highly-paid expertise
they somehow always return less or lose more than market averages
which, of course, has no effect upon their exorbitant, hidden fees
Cozy deals with their friends yield insider tip-offs and after hours privileges
          and lead to a hearty disdain for the chumps who finance it all,
and brother, that’s you and me

Job recruiters are among the lowest of all the filthy greenback pond scum
          they charge employers for the interview they ill-prepare you for
They bill their contract workers by the hour and quickly forget their names
          yet they do nothing more than cut their tiny paychecks
They are pimping high skill jobs overseas for large corporations
          extracting an hourly fee for a minor one-time service
They know not even the right spelling of the acronyms that they are selling
          and even less about the business their customers are in
Computer resume filters yield all they need to know about
          the bodies and minds that they must move to continue living large

Real estate developers tear up virgin land in the name of economic progress
          turning their backs on their crumbling earlier works now all of 10 years old
They tout private enterprise and economic growth through their temporary job creation
          and play tax districts against each other for ever larger breaks
Loudly they proclaim the virtues of local control as they move on in,
          quickly they smash and grab new pristine land opportunities
covering them with the same formulaic shit from the east coast to the west
       then greedily they reach for more spouting the rubric of holy capitalism

Glitzy news reporters bring us sports and entertainment
          hoping to stroke our well-conditioned consumer appetites
They undergo numerous elective surgical procedures, are well-groomed
with lots of makeup and always in brand new clothes,
They can read in-depth reports for up to 3 minutes on any given subject
with topics scientifically designed to capture market share
So-called news channels are nothing more than
a co-op marketing scheme legalized by the government
and financed by the conglomerates who paid for their election

Recording industry executives pimp artists to their hapless fans
          only taking chances on those pre-approved for mass appeal
And their followers are paying higher prices for ever-shrinking choices
          in deeply meaningful messages, factory packaged just for them
To them, artists are mere commodities, bought and sold like braying livestock

Defense contractors miss no opportunity to wave the flag and play stirring hymns
          they quietly increase their federal budget share, each and every year
Preying upon our fears and playing upon love of family and country
          they have us spending more per year than all the other lands together
Their waste and fraud and failures are the stuff of budget legend
          but none dare to question them for fear of that awful label
‘soft on defense’

Rigged Agenda Of The Deplorables - SAD!

Joyfully dedicated to the faithful blind, dancing carefree, behind their blind Christian Sharia piper
nobody will ever disagree,
our wondrous offspring deserve the finest in free-market education

everybody wants crimes against humanity brought to justice,
but, our own citizens will not be judged by some kangaroo world court

everyone can easily see
reckless government social spending mortgages all our futures

no one today seriously denies,
all men created anywhere else, are certainly created equal - equally poor

we are all at least subconsciously aware
democratic majority rule applies at home but not necessarily to puppet allies overseas

it goes without any rational consideration necessary whatsoever,
we must spend more and more on dEfense, each and every year

nobody would be so foolish as to campaign upon
over-population being an issue that should loom large upon our radar

it is a concept just as simple as apple pie:
backward people need only a little military nudge towards corporate democracy

even the very simplest among us see,
exporting jobs will make all our lives better in the end

try and find anyone who does not agree,
rash action on climate change is an unproven and expensive liberal plot

any decent and upright citizen knows,
our government servants need to talk privately to do-it-yourself saviors for political guidance

anyone with half a brain can tell,
a left-leaning conspiracy controls the fake corporate media

nobody supports the nightmare of chemical weapons,
yet we cannot sign a treaty restricting our right to use those we already have

caring mothers everywhere agree,
infants should not suck diesel fumes in bassinets, yet many of the poor still do

loving fathers, uncles, aunts all want to protect their precious childre,
yet coal-fired power plants still patriotically rain mercury into their growing brains

it has been shown by the policies of trusted global financial institutions,
ever-growing universal debt is in the best of both personal and national interests

it is as plain as the nose upon your benighted face,
we are god’s chosen people, standing above all on that shining hill

those with even the barest notion of reality see
too much science and math education destroys a man’s common sense

a large majority of strict constitutionalist opinion leaders realize,
loud mufflers on pickup trucks are a financed expression of personal freedom

it is a folksy, homespun verity that the working man votes conservative
and is rewarded with entitlement cuts right before his job is offshored forever

even simple fools know,
our sacred rights include carelessly tossing fast food packaging in our noisy wake

the average outsourced NASCAR fan admires our leader’s faith,
even as his own sons are sent overseas & his real income falls but the rich cover their assets

nobody cares for the sight of land mine victims,
but a world treaty to control them undermines our precious national sovereignty

according to trusted politicians, exported jobs, crumbled infrastructure and failed education
does not diminish the bright future of our blessed land

it is widely recognized by marketing opinion makers that:
repetition can mold paid soundbites into truths which we should hold to be very self-evident

any truly robust NFL fan of big men in spandex will gladly shout,
all that green environmental bullshit just wastes a real men’s time

any child knows there is a great difference between
a faceless corporation and the genial politician it has contracted with for political services

most all honest working people understand,
jobs and people rank above this vegan nonsense about some kind of a sustainable society

conventional wisdom spun by cosmetically-enhanced, fast-talking experts has proven for sure,
a person or a country must stand either with us or be against us

intellectual evangelicals accept as revealed truth this simple fact:
man takes dominion over all the beasts, since only he is possessed of an everlasting soul

phony news and slick advertising admit of not a hint,
our lifestyles are not sustainable for those few generations yet to come

it is seldom seriously questioned by conscientious conservatives that:
environmental conservation is an optional and minor virtue of limited and dubious value

it is accepted without requiring any serious thought at all,
the fish from our lakes and rivers are not safe for us to eat

there is simply no discussion,
it is the divine right of developers to mold our future in their greedy and leveraged image

it hardly bears mentioning,
the least of Hollywood epics is better entertainment than most any book

there is no argument about these facts:
animals have no souls, legal rights or places in our Father’s heaven

everyone knows,
one needn’t put aside a great deal in order to truly enjoy a richly-deserved Happily Ever After

it is widespread practice,
to finance the newest exciting mass whim instead of boringly saving for tomorrow

we obviously agree even with our most hated enemies,
faith in some one true god must be our guide in all political decisions

there is no debate over the propriety of this tacit axiom:
corporate fathers are the fingertips on the blind hand of the sacred free market

it is generally accepted and considered a non-starter,
this fictional, so-called mass extinction could only come at the hand of god, never man

it is just common sense that rich investors from out of town
can best exercise local control over zoning and development

who would argue with the right of the party in power
to gerrymander voting districts, thereby ensuring its own continued re-election

it simply makes sense that mafia gambling on Indian reservations will eventually be
a long-term solution to native american substance abuse, unemployment and poverty

an unquestionably good business practice is to merge, downsize, reduce benefits
and pensions,export, outsource, collect huge bonuses and escape to hidden and locked compounds

no one will deny that our brave leaders must stay the course without cutting and running,
and that their motives are pure and their evidence untainted

it is a pattern seen often in the history that we have so blithely ignored,
the proudly ignorant and accidentally privileged, head us blindly towards a fall

nobody argues the government’s need to maintain its absolutely secret when spying for our
security, since our constitution provides no right to individual privacy

everybody accepts the fact that our boys sacrifices must not be in vain
despite the illegal, immoral, deceitful preemptive wars of liberation ordered by their leaders

it’s just ordinary common sense,
it would be a serious mistake to make too many changes, especially all at once