Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Precious Children

The precious children, we guarded them so well
The precious children, did they come to us from hell?

The precious children, slowly grew lazy and fat
The precious children, why they even tortured our little cat

The precious children, ignorant, greedy and loud
The precious children, no more than one should really be allowed

The precious children, made fun of our ways
The precious children, easily as foolish as us, in our younger days

The precious children, worked us for all we were worth
The precious children, then left us behind with a muttered curse

The precious children, were the best in the world
The precious children, tossed aside books with their lips upcurled

The precious children, play video games for hours as if berserk
The precious children, needed their meds just to do a little homework

The precious children, hurt trying to star in some unheard-of extreme sport
The precious children, smashed up our car and it was we who went to court

The precious children, reminding us of the swine that we once were
The precious children, it’s after age 10 they begin slowly to stir

The precious children, we gave them all the best things quite soon
The precious children, wasted anything they did not quickly ruin

The precious children, were beautiful as baby elves
The precious children got pierced and tattooed just to express themselves

The precious children, playing with toys and making happy sounds
The precious children, dropping butts and cans all over on the ground

The precious children, ignoring the maid and lawn man doing their jobs
The precious children, growing up pushing buttons and turning knobs

The precious children, comforting pink faced cherubs to be cared for
The precious children, slack and getting fat, complaining from our chairs

The precious children, carried two blocks to their bus stop in your SUV
The precious children, not even trying to compete with those Chinese

The precious children, sent to the most expensive of our schools
The precious children, destroyed our homes and played us as fools

The precious children, even took out the garbage if threatened and cajoled
The precious children, told stupid lies about the things they stole

The precious children, just had to have and then threw carelessly away
The precious children, groomed like they would rule the world some day

The precious children, laughed at our problems trying to keep them happy
The precious children, inherited a world we wasted for their safety

The precious children, watched us cast aside recyclables and remain quite proud
The precious children, now want their pickup trucks to be very loud

The precious children, we always listened carefully to their vapid screams
The precious children, though shiftless, they have quite high self-esteem

The precious children, scoffed at how stupid our fat made us seem
The precious children raised on greasy fast foods, sugar and caffeine

The precious children, we protected them from nasty real world facts
The precious children, driven with the windows up, right on by the shacks

The precious children, we always assumed a good college education
The precious children, maybe they’ll succeed in customer relations

The precious children, to whom we imparted our visions
The precious children, we always kept them on their medications

The precious children, in whom we invested all our dreams
The precious children, watched as we fought over their soccer teams

The precious children, we thought we raised them to think, not to conform
The precious children, adrift in a mindless, media-controlled swarm

The precious children, we made sure they understood responsibility
The precious children, had their own credit cards but no bills to pay

The precious children, begged for that puppy which followed them around
The precious children, ignored him and he went away to the pound

The precious children, we took the time to teach them right from wrong
The precious children, learned to torture heathens and remain very strong

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