Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Tao Of Government Overreach

The best leaders are those their people hardly know exist. - Tao Te Ching
when the government agenda is set by shortsighted corporations
which have bought and paid for all of the elections
people see for whom rule by and for the people really works out to be

when the government overturns as failed and outdated
the policies of its immediate predecessors
people see just how quickly their best interests may be re-interpreted

when government employees reap benefits unavailable to the masses
yet are no longer fit to work at normal jobs
people sense the presence of strangers from alien institutions

when overpaid consultants and executives buzz like busy bees
between lobbyists and legislators
people observe the best and the brightest in all their wondrous glory

when governments compete for tax dollars from any new development
to finance their ever more bloated budgetary needs
citizens know where to look for guidance in creating a sustainable society

when homeland security is conducted behind utmost secrecy
within the worlds largest bureaucracy
people understand that the truly patriotic have nothing left but to fear

when the government makes a war against all the world's better judgment
the people must be helped to discern
morally obligatory pre-emptive defense from openly evil and naked aggression

when the government seeks to rip its last precious oil reserves
from its remotest remaining wilderness
people witness firsthand how conservatives practice conservation

when the government excludes SUVs, pick-up trucks and vans
from mileage and pollution standards
voters plainly see the finest governance that corporate money can buy

when 900000 pages of deliberately obfuscated tax code gibberish
funds a vast so-called industry of overpaid pig latin interpreters
people again see the wisdom of electing lawyers as their leaders

when conservative government leaders rail ignorantly against junk science
and criticize fuzzy math
the people feel free to belittle anything more complex than the average action movie

when the government tries to prod a sluggish consumer economy
by offering yet another prod of unfunded kickstart
people bend and submit once more to the financial electrodes

when the government's focus is always upon the latest poll
in advance of the next upcoming election
people do not miss the foresightful forefathers that they never learned of at all

when the government official tells God he must bless the country after every speech
and asks us all to add our prayers
good people sleep all the better knowing that He is on their side

when the government declares that every other nation
is simply either with us or against us
people know that even heathen foreigners will listen to simple reason

when the government encourages conglomerates to buy up all the media
and the vapid so-called news is the same on every channel
people scoff at the notion of an ever-vigilant press which guards their civil rights

when the government taxes cigarettes almost enough to make the smokers quit
then subsidizes tobacco farmers and pays Medicaid for lung diseases
people know that somewhere all these actions must make sense together

when governments sell more in weapons than they provide for development
and insurgents can get guns more easily than mothers can find flour
people are glad to note that their leaders pray humbly for lasting peace, every night

when one government spends more on its military than all the rest together
people can understand that increasing ignorance and poverty
is a slightly sad but necessary effect, of protecting our own Traditional Family Values

when the government speaks openly of might making right
while destroying societies to spread freedom in wars of liberation
be sure that the world worships in joyful wonder, the image of its only super power

when the government subsidizes its chosen religious groups
which discriminate based upon belief
those alienated mull upon the motto "one nation under God"

when the government takes away the knitting needles
from frightened grandmothers flying off to family holidays
wise men know our travel is made safer from ruthless terrorist killers

when the government always makes very little sense at all
the people find a consistency that they can come to rely upon
and with which the meaninglessness of their own lives dovetails very well

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