Tuesday, May 3, 2011

When the voice of reason is drowned out...

The foolish student hears of the Tao and laughs aloud – Lao Tzu
when the people measure their success
by what they see in movies
honest work and a real education
must be viewed as the pointlessness of losers

when the old are not respected
even though they are still alive
and the latest thing is so important
the most recent must be forgotten

when the voice of reason is drowned out
by songs of clever hype
and the ignorant swell with a pride gained by rejecting learning
it is effortless to mold their children to be just the same

when accessibility means that ATVs and snowmobiles
should run free throughout our forests
then personal watercraft and vapid speedboats
can emit their smoky exhausts underwater

when the land is ripped and cut while still alive
without regret, much less any ceremony
domestic animals are held like hostages
inside concentration camps for slaughter and cellophane

when all we eat is poisoned by
petrochemical concoctions
that make for higher yields
mass production has won the day upon thy fruited fields

when societies forbid a woman's learning
but let her raise their leaders in bare feet
as they grow more ignorant and even poorer
they look outside for someone they can blame

when anonymous conglomerates
provide for all your needs
and interlocking directorates invisibly set the country's course
the ultimate seamless integration looms nearer every day

when strip malls drape all potentially profitable street corners
destroying our uniqueness
and digital signals coat us uniformly with slick advertainment
some of the disillusioned brothers take up vows of silence

when the government routinely informs us
not to eat the fish from our lakes and streams
and lets asthmatic children breathe diesel fumes on their way to school
regulation is expensive and could easily cost you jobs and money

when every year is up among the ten hottest ever seen
and all the glaciers on the equator melt like soft ice cream
and tropical diseases spread far to the north
the clean and killing cleaning frosts of winter disappear

when the government warns against junk science
and politicos rail against so-called fuzzy maths
they still ask us to believe the facts they cite
when pushing the agendas of their financial benefactors

when the media ignores humanitarian crises around the globe
and concentrates on chewy nonsense, safe for their advertisers
then the great cats and the primates can be driven into extinction
as the old trees are cut down and the pygmies are sent to live in town

when real men spend their free time
in expensive, brutish recreation
swilling canned drinks and greasy food
suddenly they are sixty with prostates swelled like lemons

when the citizenry disdainfully make no attempt
to grasp the way the things which support them work
and dismiss such tasks to others
they are quickly fleeced by crooked techies, they pay with overdue credit cards

when all the faithful pray to a god who they still believe
must bless their fair land the most every day
and is, with all certainty, playing on their side
they can admit of a solemn righteousness with all this in his hands

when all our government becomes an aristocracy
with royal families and traditions
their lawyers and lobbyists will rule the legislature
passing the requested laws of tithing corporations

when your land is a better and safer place to live
but you are not quite sure how or why
you know for certain that you must be for it,
for you definitely cannot be against it

when its either gay or sissy to worry about the planet
or think about the future
it becomes simpler to go off to some impoverished land
and pound a backwards people

when golf is considered quite a sport
even though you are forced to ride about in a little cart
and Doing Lunch is passed off as some form of real work
good jobs await other’s children in the future that you shape

when you waste a lot more than you were ever worth
yet your wants seem never to be fulfilled
and you are not quite sure where your desires come from
then media hypnosis has you blindly in its net

when you see the new construction and increased traffic every day
while on your long way once again to more pointless work
at last you will no longer even wonder
why it will never make a lot of sense

when there are always more people around this year
than there ever were the last
you realize the pointlessness of trying to escape the crowds
already gathered anywhere decent that you go

when all you seem to do is work
and the time goes by so fast
it is easy not to notice that
this vapidly-consumptive lifestyle cannot last

when you can look up suddenly
after thirty years have passed
and see there is no end in sight
what happens when you realize that you cannot run much longer?

when you have come so damn far that
all your dreams somehow don’t matter any longer
since you now have other interests
what can you look back upon that makes any sense at all?

When all the rain that falls cannot wet the soil
And all the days of winter cannot cool the air
How far are we, really, then
From those dusty camps full of haggard, begging refugees?

When all the wild places are convenient to identical corporate storefronts
And our forests become dull backyard amusement parks
At last the only wildness remaining in the West
Spews from our reckless minds

When all the fossil fuels have been guzzled down
And there is not enough water to go around
While the hot wind blows dust into every corner
How will our great war machines be run?

When no one can save up enough to provide for their own future
But the dirty screaming mobs demand an ever larger circus
Resource wars will provide us with safe and pleasant diversions
And things will keep on moving right along, in the same wrong direction

When the average Bangladeshi child is better educated than your son
You will, nonetheless, find him entitled to a future in the first world
For have not your surrogates: television, internet and his game consoles
forged him into a job-competitive leader of this new global order?

When even grandmothers are filled with pointless anger
Why are the Canadians, Germans and French so much less violent
Who made it so easy for you to hate and wound and kill
No matter if the enemy is your brother or a stranger in a foreign land

When we have wiped out all the charismatic mega-fauna
And the wildlife that children know consists of only
Stray cats, giant rats, flies, roaches and ugly spiders in their beds
Who could believe your old stories of clean water and fresh air?

When all the boomers are outsourced, downsized and laid off
they see that they have nothing left to show
except their monthly payments for sixty something foolish years
Note with what great style they ride off, leaving their mess in your lap

When the monsoon fails to come because the hot seas no longer circulate
More than a billion Indians will show us a new way
While a billion more hungry Chinamen build houses, schools and factories
On their very finest farmland which already barely feeds them

When all the porpoises are dead from military sonar and factory tuna fishing
There will be one less silly debate through which we have to suffer
And jobs and the economy can more easily assume their rightful places
Along with canned entertainment, at the center of our lives

When all the scowling Imams governing by the Koran are killed or captured
We can send in the evangelical missionaries to set them straight at last
A couple rigged and sorry elections and maybe a few fast food franchises
Should set them happily upon the glorious path of freedom and democracy

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