Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Tao Of Our Demise

 “When the palace is magnificent, the fields are filled with weeds, and the granaries are empty. ” ― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
when the winning candidate always spends the most, buying up the votes
people see the arranged marriage of free enterprise to the democratic process
thusly, in relation to their own humble way of living,
do they learn to accept the ultimate power of the almighty dollar

when the dealmakers gain too much influence
the mass of people grow uneasy
they sense the dissipation of their masters
as horses smell the impending storm upon the wind

when the citizens have no places that they have always known,
because all is in the chaos of construction and migration
they grow skittish and unruly
like wild herding animals near a raging fire

when the people litter carelessly, having no connection to the land
their feeling for the Tao is certainly fouled as well
but during those briefest moments before the crash
any significance is lost, in the noise and confusion

when one alone stoops to pick up anothers’ litter
it is a hard thing to do
for plastic trash far outlasts our bones
as well as any possible thought behind our actions

when the people do not honor the food that they eat
animals live like prisoners and die robbed of their grace
and the land where they are fattened is polluted by their runoff
yet some will still be straining to hear sounds of missing songbirds

when the frogs are disappearing and growing extra legs
parents study their children with extra care:
arms unable to protect,
brains unwilling to accept

when a country takes its food shrink-wrapped tight in plastic,
which is thoughtlessly and immediately discarded
and its commercials require more thinking than its paid infotainment
its strength is thus diminished and its future is in doubt
yet this is not painful to those who heave mindlessly within the throng

when the children learn to unwrap all gifts with an amazing speed,
then consume, discard and walk away without a thought
it should not be long before they absorb the truth that
they, too, are surely, to be shortly cast aside

when the people worship only what is new
their offspring try to invent an entire culture on their own
but quickly they grow old and must blame it all upon themselves

when the country merely follows the latest in manufactured fads
its cities cannot last
and its old have no roads to travel
and the young have no one that they can turn to

when it is common knowledge that the old are of no use
the young and beautiful, nonetheless, cannot see
their own lives must also very quickly end in the same purposeless emptiness

when the people are always far too busy
with trivial tasks that they must soon forget
and in-depth news is unimportant and history is unlearned
their rush is towards a future filled with old mistakes

when people reach the end of life in such a place as this
there is a sense that the road where they have traveled
was not a winding path leading to a peaceful destination
but an endless superhighway where they've broken down for good

when tourism has become a simple extractive industry
natural beauty becomes a resource to be efficiently exploited
condos and strip malls and cheap plastic icons sprout up very quickly
until the magic is depleted and the workers move away

when the country imports poor and ignorant, young human beings
to do work considered to be too menial for real citizens
the dignity of labor is never learned by its children
and empty media sales values are all that they retain

when the ones that we listen to
we consider to be at least halfway insane
we have forced our lives into making sense
by believing far more than we try to understand

when people ask what a tiger
has ever done for them
it is easy to internalize that
we require no major course corrections

when endless sprawl and traffic jams
are considered simply as the norm
it makes real sense that one more bit of litter
does not matter anywhere, anymore

when jobs and consumption, spoiled children and entertainment
guide all of our blurry actions
then appear the gaping inconsistencies found in our thinking
that guide this accelerating rush towards deserved self-extinction

when an education is just for loosers
and getting rich by any means is good
we have no reason to be surprised
by corporate fraud and collusion
or roving gangs of illiterate and amoral youth

when sex is used to sell everything from
cat food to car parts
newspapers still report that our brave police righteously arrest
women who must sell themselves to feed their fatherless children

when alcohol destroys the lives
of millions every year
beer distributors grow rich and become civic leaders
while pot smokers passively go to jail and rot

when black men go to prison for years
for stealing a car or selling a hit of meth
mealy-mouthed, pale white corporate parasites
get away Scot-free for ruining countless lives and stealing millions

when we say we still believe that
all men are created equal
the people watch as we rush in military aid
to those who live where coveted resources still pertain

when highly skilled positions are all moved away from our shores
and Wal*Mart wires our hard-earned money to foreign bank accounts:
where will the skilled illegales,
who do the real work that we once understood,
find jobs in the bright future of this, our glorious land?

when the scientists and engineers,
craftsmen and computer coders
are all outsourced and only the ignorant and lazy majority remains
loyal subjects pause to ask: who will hook up the lights for me?

when the oil is all sucked down
and the Arabs ride camels back to their fly-ridden sheikdoms
and all the motorized wheels stop their turning
our sacred mommies will puzzle over getting the kids to the mall

when actors and the grandsons of politicians get elected
and money buys the office
some ask: why not just count the contributions raised
instead of bothering to vote?

when city governments compete for destination shopping centers
using new sales taxes to finance their ever-more bloated budgets
and more houses mean more property taxes for their counties to spend
citizens observe as these trusted public servants
build our legacy for the future under the holy rubric of local control

when the people view all foreigners as simple, stupid and irrelevant
and the measure of a nation is taken through a gunsight
there is no contradiction that your clothing and electronics come from china
your cars from japan and your computers are controlled from india

when our leaders pray for guidance in making important state decisions
and terrorist enemies invoke their own gods in support of holy jihad
all those of franchised faith heed the calls to prayer in peace,
secure in the knowledge that their own one true god will not ever forsake them

when the people scoff as fuzzy-thinking tree-huggers try to run amok
and see that their plans are too expensive and will cost too many jobs,
yet provide little value in their own search for exciting entertainment,
then has their society been divorced from the web of life that sustained it

when the children realize that they were raised up to be as ignorant as vegetables
and that all the best resources have been consumed,
while fouling and contaminating the majority of nature to nurture them,
they can sigh while carrying firewood and water barefoot, but still faithful

when political correctness yields gains for passive-aggressive lampreys
note clearly that the weak and submissive have not been advanced
yet the strong, the independent and the productive see once again
the fact that their labors only benefit those truly glib and venal suck-ups

when the evangelicals rule the scientists
while their children are paused in violent video games to take their meds
the corporations set the agenda based upon their short term needs

as all the merry little dancers skip about in this rapidly advancing twilight

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