Tuesday, May 3, 2011


An unused by-product, waste or residue.
Brownish, sudsy discharge heading down to the next drinking water plant
Hatred spewing unchecked from the poor upon seeing the prosperity all around
Ignorance vented as noise, smoke and litter by the loudly-proud working class

Used oil and dirty grease washed off overcrowded roads and into nearby streams
Vitriol escaping from the dyspeptic ruling theocrats in righteous bile-green streams
Deceptions, omissions and outright lies leaching from abandoned advertising materials

Embrace of diesel fumes from an apartment cowboy warming a shiny pickup
Endless stream of used prisoners leaking from the filthy underside of society
The constant feeling that so many unchangeable things have gone so very wrong

Fertilizers and pesticides invisibly spreading from land to mother’s milk
Lies and money escaping from under flimsy, leaking plastic cover-ups
Deodorant, hair spray, skin cream and toothpaste changing the fish in the streams

The overwhelming malodorous effluvia from the simple existence of too many people
Murky discontent which brews desperate acts of perverted terrorism
Hope spiraling with smoke from burning trees that always gave us shelter

Noxious brown cloud which we exude above our cities in our scuttling to and fro
Human wreckage in filthy rags, intoxicated and begging on gray corners
Useless and obscene eruptions blurted out in hopeless and unheard tirades

Commerce, in the form of mercury and lead, oozing into a quiet baby’s room
Hypocrisy and lies flowing unfiltered into the open minds of helpless children
Fairly brilliant men and women with their entire belongings in old shopping carts

Religious dogma bubbling off from boiling insecurity, ignorance and fear
Dirty slime left behind by the righteous tenants who still owed their rent
The artificial aura of hurry and importance created by commercials on our televisions

Litter hotspots blooming robustly around each welcome new big box retail store
Environmental degradation spreading out behind the black contrail of our consumption
Cheap homes and tacky strip malls, a lasting tribute to our powerfully vapid greed

Tons of CO2 emitted idling SUVs to stay cool while sipping good hot coffee
Mistrust, hatred and war a normal byproduct of the love for one’s true God
Squishy sound of rubber boots echoing in the residues of corporate slaughterhouses

The failing education system a godsend for political and advertising sloganeers
Millions of pounds of greasy fast food fat hauled about by the wheezingly obese
Mass self-loathing induced by artificially perfect and unattainable marketing stereotypes

Useless and infantile noise emitted purposely via costly exhaust modifications
Imaginary souls wafting gracefully to a soul-scam heaven upon the demise of their frail shells
Involuntary suspension of all belief resulting from chronic propaganda exposure

Twist of the pursuit of happiness into a god-granted license to get rich by any means
Decay of virtue into the worship of all-consuming greed and hyper-consumption
Permanent mental degradation resulting from years of mindless channel flipping

Acid rain dulling our prized autos as they emerge from their safe garages
Stain of the hypocrisy left by militarily spreading freedom, only where it suits our needs
Destruction of the desert soil microbe community by gas-powered wreckreation

Mute hatred and aggression inflicted upon your fine new car by unseen vandals
Myriad invisible toxic substances soaking your children in parts per million
Tuberculosis returning stronger because we don’t bother to finish our prescriptions

A thousand foolish expensive commercials filling the air at every instant
An outpouring of nonsensical and co-opted faith from the ignorant, childish and insecure
Palpable hatred flowing outward from many sources in all directions

Broken lives and shattered dreams crunching underfoot amid layers of litter
Multi-generational, illegitimate mothers bearing children raised in their own chaotic images
Anger bubbling over from lack of control over things we do not wish to understand

Poisonous smell of cooking Meth stimulating wild desires for large doses
Overdosed pesticides and fertilizers running off with the wasted water sprinkled on too-green lawns
Self-worth oozing from the critical wound caused by casual overseas outsourcing

Potential escaping into the atmosphere from families without fathers
Rational, educated thought decaying into a blind faith in concocted religious scams
Anger, frustration and disappointment vented upon frightened children

Invisible fumes from smarmy, self-evident truths inhaled 24X7 without a whimper
Earth’s infected scabs from our so-called progress, visible even from out in space
Savings absorbed by credit cards, second mortgages, gambling and vacations

Disquieting silence spreading when we shut up as our toys lose power
Unceasing toxic rants of political sloganeering pressurizing our homes
Dangerous ideas given off by the decomposition of polite society

The aura of unreality which surrounds us throughout our frantic dancing

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