Friday, May 6, 2011

God Better Bless America

god better bless america
          if the sonofabitch knows what's good for him
goddamn well better bless america
          bastard’s either with us or against us

god forbid he don't bless america
          we'll send the bombers in to really fuck him up
god, you'd better bless america
          we've already told them what you’d say

goddamn sam, we demand your non-stop blessing
          from sea to shining sea
god will assuredly be blessing america
          before he blesses any other land

god bless us and protect us
          for we have chosen ourselves as your people
god you better hear our prayers
          since we’re the ones who pay your bills

god you best be listening
          so that we can shut our own eyes and ears
god, if you cain't bless america
          we can damn sure find someone else who will

god don't you get behind on them blessings
          because we count ‘em every day
goddamn you god, we have earned thy blessing
          which we intend to be about to receive

god stay over on our side
          so we can destroy those heathen third world hordes
god bless us one and all
          at least those that share our conservative beliefs

god you best help us to explain what the fuck is going on
          cause we told them that we talked all about it with you first
god bless it, you got to help us stay on message
          now that we have brought you on our staff
god bless you and keep you, if you stand here right beside us
          otherwise it’s god’s will should we happen to kill you
god, be sure to forgive our trespasses
          as we annihilate those who get in our way

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