There’s twice as many now as 50 years ago and that’s well
over twice too many
They say our numbers will stabilize after increasing half
again as much
There is more obvious evidence of this vast metastasization,
everywhere you look
They say the earth can support us, one and all, without any
real problems
But we’ll live a septic and squalid lifestyle, rooting amid
the rubble and the trash
We’ll manage token forests after trading wildlife for
agribusiness monocrops
We can finish strip-fishing the oceans to meet the growing
demand for food
Then our seafood will come from filthy, toxin-rich,
germ-infested mudholes, like those in China
But, hey, we’ll still have the dead oceans, spreading
deserts and a thawed arctic to enjoy
We can archive old footage and preserve lots of different
creature’s DNA
No doubt there will be a huge pool of labor glad to work for
next to nothing
We’ll chemically purify other’s wastewater before we drink
it down and flush it on
We’ll be ripe for shocking pandemics, crammed as tightly as
we can be
Wars will break out often among the lemmings milling towards
the precipice
Pestilence will spread quickly through genetically-modified
corporate crops
We’ll have great zoos and well-fenced, highly-managed game
Town names will still remind us of the creatures we
eliminated long ago
Miraculous and expensive medical advances will help us all
live even longer
The fractional percentage at the top will still enjoy rich
and wondrous lives
Rugged individualists will still find ways to be
distinguished in the crowds
The squalor, crime and emptiness will produce great but
twisted works of art
Globalization can help us all achieve a state of Mutually
Assured Misery
Debates on climate change and environmental damage will be
long forgotten
India and china will provide our wasted world’s natural
model going forward
We can all turn inward, away from the writhing masses, like
the Japanese do right now
We will be able to escape to a convergence of entertainment
and computers
Uncounted untouchables will colonize and mine the rich dump
sites worldwide
God told us to forego contraception so we can swarm like
filthy rodents
We can adjust to the grimy reality of a greenhouse heated
world together
Emissions will decrease nicely once we’ve expended all our
fossil fuels
We can get on with human progress when the amphibians and
whales are gone
Global corporate capitalism will triumph over fairytale
ecosystem sustainability claptrap
The weak will be culled by dirty water, polluted air and
contaminated breast milk
Shove aside the charismatic megafauna from the Arctic to the
Slash and burn and cut the jungle, the old growth and the
boreal forests
Pack us and our wastes ever more tightly into sprawling,
unplanned mega-slums
Dam the rivers, kill the fish, cut off the rich silt and
poison the waters
Let the global oligopoly rule based solely on stock market
We can all flourish on patented corporate crops and recycled
sewage water
Make it so that peace and silence reign only in
ever-expanding, newly-barren wastelands
We can school more tightly on the green pills inside our
privatizing earbuds
Our children won’t have painful memories of clean lakes and
country roads
Generations can progress at last freed from divisive whining
by the squishes
The rats, roaches, flies, cats and dogs can raise their
numbers right along with us
Natural catastrophes occurring in overcrowded, unsuitable
locations will be magnified
No longer able to foul and just move away, we will gaze off
from inside our filth
After several generations, children won’t have just their
own parents to blame for a reduced world
Opportunities micro-marketing to the very poor will create
wealth for a few
The adventurous can pursue their dreams alone upon oceans
where only odd life forms flourish
You can take your children on safe strolls thru carefully
tended tree farms
The dead were dug up long ago to make way for cropland and
You could walk for weeks over identical automated farms, if
it were allowed
Colonies will return once again to Greenland as Spain
becomes a desert
Group suicide bombings will attain an unspeakable global
Politicians and conservatives will always find some form
putative progress to trumpet
Those who call for population reduction will be labeled as
genocidal elitists
The rational will continue to decline in reproduction, quite
unlike the vast, very poor majority
There will be no more ecological debates in the mass
struggle to survive
The dirty, hungry hordes of Africa will have consumed every
bit of wild meat
Religion will still provide an irrational hope in a calming,
faith-based narcotic
Meaningless elections and ‘free’ markets will vie against
cults of personality
No longer will displaced subsistence farmers fear raids by
hungry elephants
We will choke the estuaries with filthy aquaculture pens and
kill all the mangroves
Dye the farmed salmon pink and genetically infect all their
wild brethren
They will flood us with images of things we cannot afford in
places we will never see
We shall ignore natural cycles and say “Fuck insects, bring
on the weeds and loose the goats”
we live beyond the checks and balances of nature in the images of our one true
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