Monday, April 25, 2011

When the people grow up chasing endless empty fads

when the citizens have no safe places that they have always known
because all is in the chaos of cheap construction and hourly work migration
they should grow skittish and uneasy
like caribou forced to migrate past packs of hungry wolves

when the people worship only what is new
the children try to invent an entire culture of their own
and then quickly they grow old and confused
and are discarded with a strange distaste for themselves

when the people do not honor the food that they eat
animals live like prisoners and die stripped of their grace
the land is violated by many forms of dirty runoff
yet some still yearn for the simple lilt of missing songbirds

when the country gulps from plastic that it quickly throws to the ground
and its commercials require more thought than its entertainment
its strength is diminished and its future in doubt
yet it is not painful to those dancing hypnotized in a dull throng

when corporate agribusiness controls the food supply
and stock prices guide the stewardship of our sustaining land
the future appears both raggedly hungry and quite filthy to the disaffected

when developers create communities and give them idyllic names
and create streets meant to recall other times
those who are not team players may mournfully intone that
what is no more, and cannot return, will always be the better

when it is cheaper to bulldoze rich farmland for new cheap strip malls
than it is to re-develop shoddily-built and decaying storefronts
some people see the true wisdom
of the invisible hand of capitalism stroking the sacred free marketplace

when home owners speculate on gains from their properties
making improvements only to appeal to prospective buyers
and to enhance their curb appeal
others see the true meaning of our Traditional Family Values shining thru

when the winning candidates always spend more than their rivals
in campaigns all run by sloganizing puppeteers
and corporate sponsors quickly recoup their election investments
people revel in the spiritual experience of the democratic process

when a man is ashamed that his car is too old
and women routinely throw out clothes that they have never worn
consumption remains high enough to support the holy economy
and advertisers have won a great victory for leveraged consumerism

when an honest workman feels that he must be a loser
and is ashamed of his good craft
his country has abandoned purpose and reason
and the image makers have falsely robbed him of his dignity

when the people grow up chasing endless empty fads
ignoring all else as passé or unimportant
it is with a cold and faceless impartiality that
they, too, very quickly pass out of style as well

when the old are disgusted with what the world has become
and are simply glad that time has, at last, passed them by
the young come of age full of unrelated images, each only half-digested
their brains an unsorted compost heap of mass entertainment

when the people do not know what to do with their elders
and they are laid aside and asked to pay to be kept out of sight
when no one knows what these citizens are living for
the society which asks this question can have no decent answer

when expensive dogs are purchased from puppy mills as status symbols
but left out alone in empty fenced yards
before, very soon, to be sent away forever more
children learn the value of commitment and companionship

when the angry young man, once so widely admired,
morphs pathetically into a bitter and tired old fool
his impotent rage becomes boring repetition
and he is quite easily left behind and quickly forgotten

when the people burn bright lights outside their homes
throughout every night of each year
and more is spent on security systems than for reading material
the children grow up coping with implants of ignorance and paranoia

when grown men spend good money having pickup trucks make more noise
though they are too big to park and have no place for groceries
little boys learn what is important though father's never home
growing up tough as nails and dumber than the dirt

when mothers spend their time in knots of vicious gossip
merely aping empty fashion trends
and pursuing shopping as an extreme avocation
no one need wonder why girls do poorly in science and math

when anger, revenge and greed provide the best in workplace motivation
even though the silly mantra of political correctness is regularly invoked
how easy can it be then, once at home with the family
to lay it all aside and be gentle and just, kind, calm and loving

when senior officials, hip-hoppers, movie stars and athletes
turn up their noses at education, science and normal work
while violence, ignorance and crime are portrayed as part of ordinary life
why are we surprised when first offenders cannot read, write or add

when our parents wind up languishing in their own smelly wastes
in institutions staffed by tired drop-outs and illegal immigrants
shortly to be preyed upon by a conglomerated funeral ‘industry’
who would argue that our own lives are not, thereby, greatly diminished

when the most important of all the many government spending items
is how much we can spend on killing other people
while whipping up the public against enemies in the shadows
it becomes clear that the business of war shall prosper, forever more

when the incumbent promises things he could already have delivered
many poorer citizens may still trust him if he seems to be nice,
and spends good money on family images with soothing voices and safe music
while touting moral values but favoring the rich and the incorporated donors

when intelligent people read only pre-digested spin from a for-profit press
it is easier to maintain the consistency and rhythm of the message,
thereby ensuring that the rational will not panic, bolt and run,
while establishing by repetition what seems false upon first impression

when elections are brought to you by corporations to reach financial goals,
none of which include family values or environmental nonsense
and slick firms launch expensive campaigns designed to spin the candidates
who would be surprised if voters are treated as simple target markets

when the credit cards are all maxed out and the houses aren’t worth their loans
and once-cheap imports and outsourced skills are simply unaffordable
when all the strip malls are complete and the entire ecosystem shattered
the people can still sit inside gasless SUVs, communing with their personal saviors

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