Thursday, April 28, 2011

Statutory Eco-Rape

Not to worry boys, we got all the laws on our side
Don’t be shy son, just you go on and take her, it’s all right there, you’ll see
She can’t be too young, too tender, too virgin or too shy by our rules
We’ll cut her off from her family and auction her into unconditional slavery

We can take the best of her for ourselves and then pimp her scabby remains
The big boys have greased her skids so to speak, heh-heh
Now, let’s bend her over with those snorting, smoking bulldozers
Take her from behind with all the tenderness of massive toothy excavators

Look over there in the corner at that little piece of paper hanging there
This genocidal gang rape and murder have all been OK’d by our elected officials
She makes not a whimper, just sheds a few birds and bunnies in her sadness
Bent over and biting on a tree stump with her crying eyes tightly closed

Everybody here is safely covered by the many well-written statutes of our good laws
So bulldoze those trees, channelize that stream and fill in those wetlands
Just work that squaw until she can’t walk and nobody wants her anymore
Bust out her teeth, defile her and don’t bother to let her wash

Abort without guilt or mercy any new life she might try and bring forth
You sleep well at night as she lies dirty under a fake bluegrass blanket
Circumcise and mutilate her in the name of your sacred freedom to short-term profit
Take legislated pride instead of spiritual shame in this wasteful holocaust

God knows that it’s patriotic progress, so kick her in the stomach and laugh out loud
Boast how you have conquered and tamed her as you hawk her to passersby
Slap her in the face for not looking at them as they pick at her and probe her
Sell her off, forget about her and be counted among the virtuous and wise rich

Go ahead and tie her up and dress her any way that you think they will find hot
There ain’t no law against it, everybody does it and the Bible says so, too
She’s got no dignity, rights or freedom - anymore than any stupid animal
Ain’t no sense in letting the lazy bitch just set there and go to waste

Let’s do a group bulldozing on her and then go have a few cold beers
It’ll be easier to get approval if we first kill the animals and pock her with roads
Get her off her lazy ass and set her out to turn us some profits
God put them laws and guns and heavy equipment upon our righteous side so let’s use them

Don’t listen to them libtard fairytales, kid, step up and take a place with the men
We’ll get her done and have a barbecue and go to church tomorrow
You get her down from behind on all fours and I’ll shove it in her mouth
We’ll just see if she’s still got anything left to say after that…

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